Summer Pest Prevention Tips
Everyone loves to be outside, enjoying the warm summer weather, but it can be bothersome having so many bugs around. To help with making your home and summer pest free, here are some summer pest prevention tips!
Yard Maintenance Importance
Everyone recognizes the regularly seen bugs during summer are usually, ants, wasps, and mosquitos but no one realizes how many more bugs are attracted to your yard! Maintaining your yard can help keep all the bug activity at a low and here are some tips you could keep on hand.
- Staining your deck – Staining your deck every summer will definitely help with keeping bug activity away. Pests like wasps or carpenter ants are highly attracted to untreated wood and will begin to make little holes all around and make nests here. We always recommend going to your local hardware store and finding products like deck correct, for example.
- Maintaining foliage around your home – Many people will usually leave trimming bushes and tree branches until the end of summer, but this is actually only making bug activity multiply the longer you wait. Mosquitos, for example, rely heavily on trees and shrubs and will use them to lay their eggs on them. Other bugs, use them as a food source, which is why keeping them trimmed and cut on a regular basis is important!
- Picking up around your yard – Keeping your yard clean and clutter-free will be so helpful in keeping bug activity away! Regularly picking up your pet waste or unattended garbage, eliminates a source for bugs to be attracted to.
Interior House Maintenance
It is a common feeling to want the comfort and relaxation of your home, and part of that is keeping your home bug-free. Simple steps like cleaning up your table after dinner, making sure your counters are clear, and sweeping floors around your home, will be a big help. Also, not letting trash build up in any room and regularly taking it out. Incorporating these tasks into your everyday routine will definitely keep your home bug-free.
Exterior House Maintenance
Making sure the outside of your home is maintained, is equally important as the inside, and here are some things you can do to help make your home bug-free:
- Keeping gutters clean and clear – Many people don’t realize how important it is to make sure your gutters are not blocking any water in them! Pests are highly attracted to any water source they can get to, which will eventually lead them to your home. Clearing your gutters of any leaves, or garbage on a regular basis will prevent this.
- Seal cracks on doors and windows – Pests will get into your home at any entry point they can find. This includes making sure window screens are intact and doors are gap-free to eliminate entry points for bugs.
Signs of Pest Activity
Taking notice of activity beginning to appear, will definitely help to prevent them from multiplying and turning into a bigger problem! Regularly check your yard and driveway for ant hills forming, check for box elders grouping onto the side of your home, and even check trees around your home and the eaves on your home for any wasp nests that need to be removed. Taking care of these bug signs sooner rather than later will take your home into being bug-free!
If there are any questions about any summer pest prevention tips, contact our office team at (844) 572-0628