Bold Servicing Home Pest Prevention Checklist
Here at Bold Servicing, our number one focus is helping homeowners to prevent unwanted pests and enjoy pest-free living. We’ve created an easy home pest prevention checklist that you can use when buying a new home, and each season to ensure you’ve taken the necessary steps to prevent insects and rodents from invading your sanctuary. This checklist is best combined with regular maintenance and management with professional pest control. Here is your printable PDF checklist!
Identifying Pest Activity in the Home
Before you tackle your checklist tasks, you will want to be confident in identifying pest activity in your home. We are always available to schedule an inspection, but you should always keep watch of any potential pest activity arising. Most interior pest activity happens unseen in wall and floor boards. However, if you are noticing the following signs of pest activity, give us a call right away!
Identify pests with the pest prevention checklist
The most likely sign of pest activity is seeing alive or dead pests in your home. If you’re utilizing a pest control service, you very likely will see dead insects in your home. This means the service is working. You also may see live pest activity from time-to-time. Unfortunately, pest control is not an exact science, which is why our Ultimate Guarantee is what makes Bold stand out. We offer 24 hour emergency retreatments, and will retreat as much as you need, at no additional cost.
For pests like rodents, seeing even a single mouse could indicate a serious problem within your home. It’s important to keep up with regular pest control, from a licensed pest professional who has the knowledge to identify and safely resolve pest problems.
Fecal matter droppings
One disgusting sign of pest activity is signs of fecal matter. Common pests that defecate in your home are mice, rats, bed bugs, and cockroaches. These “droppings” can carry diseases, making it crucial to work to eliminate their populations immediately.
Insect casings
Another common sign of pest activity is finding insect casings. One species known for leaving these casing are cockroaches. The casings are what the cockroach lay their eggs in, so finding them is a sure guarantee the infestation is growing. German cockroach casings can contain up to 50 eggs!
Signs of nesting
Not only can insects come into your home, but they can start to permanently nest within the home. Common signs of nesting for mice include shredded up paper or insulation. Other animals that can nest include ants, which often build their colonies unseen in wall voids.
Other commons signs of nesting include:
Webs (spiders)
Holes / tunnels in wood (carpenter ants)
Raised dirt mounds (ants)
Honeycomb nests (wasps/bees)
Audible sounds (yellow jacket wasp)
Wood shavings (carpenter ants)
Strange sounds or odors
Finally, if you’re hearing strange sounds in your home and smelling strange odors, pests could be the likely culprit. Both bed bugs and cockroaches, for example, release a musty smell when it is a severe infestation. Mice and rats both scratch in the wall, although unless you’re awake at night, it’s unlikely you will hear them because they are nocturnal. Even large yellow-jacket nests can be heard through the walls.
Exterior Home Pest Prevention
When striving to prevent pests in your home, we recommend starting outside, as that is where insect activity originated. Insects mostly come indoors during fall and winter, but each season we recommend following this checklist, in case new entry points have formed.
Clean up yard debris
Having an abundance of trees around your home can attract unwanted pests. These foliage bits provide ideal shelters for insects during the winter months. Regularly clearing leaves and twigs from around your house is crucial.
Landscape Maintenance
The optimal time for trimming and upkeeping your outdoor spaces are during the changing seasons of spring and fall. Ensuring your landscaping is free from both weeds and overgrown plants is essential, as these create hiding spots for insects and rodents.
Additionally, if your property boasts a dense tree canopy, it’s important to check for any branches hanging over your roof or eaves. This not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your yard but also reduces potential nesting sites for insects near your home.
Inspect eaves, gutters, and roof
Bold specializes in offering exclusion services focused on ground-level pest prevention. However, numerous points of pest entry exist above ground level. It is crucial for you to examine and uphold your roof, eaves, and gutters. Your gutters require cleaning on a regular basis, at a minimum of twice annually, especially if there are trees overhanging your residence.
Replace broken window screens
Inspecting your window and door screens each season is essential. Inclement weather can easily damage them, providing convenient entry points for insects. If your screens are broken, consider repairing them yourself if possible or hiring a licensed contractor for the task.
Install wire-mesh vent covers
Investing in wire-mesh vent covers proves to be a wise move for your home. These covers only require replacement if damaged and effectively eliminate potential entryways. They can also deter wasps from constructing nests in your exhaust fans, keeping them outdoors.
Paint and seal wood decks
To prevent unwanted pest activity, it’s crucial to paint or seal your deck at least every three years. We recommend using a product called Deck Correct. The average lifespan of a wood deck ranges from 15 to 40 years, depending on the maintenance it receives.
Wood decks tend to attract pests like paper wasps and carpenter ants. Paper wasps chew wood to construct honeycomb nests typically found hanging in eaves. On the other hand, carpenter ants create tunnels in wood decks, using them for transportation during foraging, building, and hunting activities.
Eliminate standing water
An effective method to draw pests to your residence is by offering them a water supply. Numerous pests that thrive in moist environments, such as mosquitoes, spiders, ants, and silverfish, tend to congregate around standing water. If you have a pool, ensure it is covered when not in use. Take note of any depressions in your yard where water accumulates and rectify these low points.
Inspect and replace weather stripping
Check the weather stripping around doors and windows, including your garage door, and examine it for any indications of wear and tear. Weather stripping typically needs replacement approximately every three years to maintain its effectiveness.
Interior Home Pest Prevention
To ward off pests indoors effectively, implement a combination of preventive measures alongside routine pest maintenance treatments.
Inspect for leaking water
Regularly inspect all indoor water sources for potential leaks, as dripping water can entice moisture-seeking pests such as ants, spiders, silverfish, and mosquitoes. When repaired you may even find your water bill reduced!
Clean and use chimney
If your home features a fireplace, it’s advisable to schedule professional cleaning annually. This not only ensures your safety by preventing soot accumulation but also eliminates any potential pest nesting sites. If you suspect the presence of insects or rodents in your chimney, the recommended method is to light a fire and smoke them out, as applying pesticides inside chimneys is prohibited by law.
Replace cardboard storage boxes with plastic
Most of us have those containers we stash away, concealed from view, perhaps in the basement, attic, or storage shed. The ideal method for safeguarding these possessions involves using airtight containers made of sturdy plastic. By doing so, you shield your items from potential harm caused by insects and rodents.
Turn off humidifier in the summer
When the outdoor temperatures begin to rise, it’s important to switch off any indoor humidifiers you might be using. Spring and summer already bring heightened moisture levels, and having a humidifier operational will only invite pest-related problems.
Use dehumidifier in the basement
Additionally, you might find it necessary to operate a dehumidifier in your basement to reduce overall humidity levels. This not only deters unwanted pest activities but also reduces the likelihood of moisture-related issues like mold formation.
Clean HVAC ducts every 3-5 years
HVAC duct systems do not permit the application of pesticides. If you’re dealing with a pest problem in your ducts, enlisting the expertise of a qualified HVAC technician is essential. It’s advisable to schedule duct cleaning every 3-5 years, especially if you indulge in indoor smoking or share your space with pets.
Store dry food in plastic containers
Insects and rodents continuously are seeking out food. Should you notice any signs of pests in your food, prompt disposal is key. To prevent nesting within food supplies, opt for storing all dried edibles in containers specifically designed for food use, preferably crafted from food-grade plastic.
Deep clean your home
Regular deep cleaning is the final step to preventing pest activity in your home. Every home is unique, so the amount and frequency of cleaning your home requires will depend on your preferences and needs. At a minimum your home should be deep cleaned once annually.
Enjoy Our Home Pest Prevention Checklist
No matter the season or whether you’ve lived in your home one day or ten years, it’s important to safeguard your home from unwanted pest activity. Our services create a safe, protective barrier around your home. Call our customer experience team at No matter what time of year, you can take steps to prevent pests in your spaces. We hope you enjoy our home pest prevention checklist. Call our customer experience team at (844) 572-0628 to create a custom treatment plan for your home.